Sewing For The Saints Blog

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Use Basting Stitch As Hem Guide

Rather than making hems (especially 1/4" or 3/8" ones), I run a basting stitch at the appropriate hem mark using the guide on my machine or my 1/4" foot. I generally use a thread that contrasts with my fabric so it's easily seen.

I then sew the hem with a normal stitch by turning the hem (after finishing it with my seam/overcast stitch) under at the baste line and sewing approximately 1/8" less than the what the baste line was sewn at.

Once I'm done hemming I pull the basting threads. This gives me accuracy and with knits or necklines I find it eliminates stretching problems because I handle the edge a lot less then trying to use a hem gauge and pins.

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