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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Doll Outfit + Think First

How to make Doll Outfit A Round Dress

Think First

by Joyce Meyer - posted June 09, 2011

You ought to be quiet (keep yourselves in check) and to do nothing rashly.
—Acts 19:36

Committing to do something without asking God about it and waiting for Him to speak to us is not wise; nor is it wise to jump into things without thinking first about what we are getting ready to do. We often obligate ourselves to too many things and end up weary and worn out. God certainly strengthens us through His Spirit, but He doesn't strengthen us to do things that are outside of His will for us. He won't strengthen us to be foolish! Once we commit to do something, God expects us to keep our word and be people of integrity, so His advice to us in the verse for today is to "think before we speak." In our thinking, we ought to ask God what He thinks about the matter we have under consideration.

This is certainly a lesson I have had to learn. I used to allow enthusiasm to get the best of me and say yes to things without asking for God's advice and then end up complaining about my schedule. God had to let me know that if I had sought Him first and followed His guidance, I could have avoided being frustrated and stressed.

I am sure you have many opportunities to get involved in things you would enjoy or consider important. I simply encourage you today not to commit to anything without giving it serious thought and without seeking God's guidance concerning whether or not He would have you do these things.
God's word for you today: Think before you speak!

From the book Hearing from God Each Morning: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2010 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sew a dog shirt + The Power of Rejoicing

How to sew a dog shirt from old clothes

The Power of Rejoicing

by Joyce Meyer - posted June 08, 2011

About midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God ...Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the very foundations of the prison were shaken; and at once all the doors were opened and everyone's shackles were unfastened.
—Acts 16:25-26

Throughout the Bible, God instructs His people to be filled with joy and to rejoice. For example, Philippians 4:4 says: "Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!"

Any time the Lord tells us twice to do something—the Philippians were told twice in this verse to rejoice—we need to pay careful attention to what He is saying. Many times people see or hear the word rejoice and think, That sounds nice, but how do I do that? They would like to rejoice but don't know how!

Paul and Silas, who had been beaten and thrown into prison and had their feet put in stocks, rejoiced by simply singing praises to God. We don't often realize the "rejoicing" that can release so much power can be just as simple as smiling and laughing, having a good time, and enjoying ourselves. And doing that in itself often makes the problem go away!

If you have a personal relationship with the Lord—if you are saved— the Holy Spirit dwells within you (see John 14:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 12:3). If joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and the Spirit is in you, joy is in you. You're not trying to get joy or manufacture it—it is already there, just as are the ability to love and the other fruit of the Spirit—because the Spirit is there.

It is very important to understand that we as believers are not to try to get joy—we have joy. Joy is in our spirit. What we need to do is learn how to release it.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2006 by Joyce Meyer. Published by InProv. All rights reserved.